L I V E !

PPC with Faheem Mujahid focusing on improving who you are at your core. Identifying which current belief patterns, inaccurate messaging, or unresolved trauma you're currently carrying throughout your life that no longer serves you — your health, perspective, mindset — and who you are in a relationship with other people. Faheem brings a well-balanced approach to his work. Guided meditation, Interactive coaching classes, and you walk away with a toolbox of knowledge to help you design the life of your dreams, whatever that looks like for you. For fellow athletes, Faheem's coaching philosophies travel well. Over the years, Faheem has amassed years of experience working with elite athletes from all levels. His tools, teaching style, and techniques will undoubtedly assist with taking your game to the next level.

Explore more behind the scenes of Faheem's team coaching program. Rather you're a management agency, corporate team, colligate program, or professional sports team, Faheem's program, tools, and application have been battle-tested and proven effective. Let's take your team to the next level. Email for more information.

Throughout my years as a Performance Psychology Coach, I've been blessed to share the road of coaching with several amazing athletes, corporations, and organizations. I often say, "Purpose without opportunity falls short." It's with a humble and grateful heart I dedicate this portion of my site to those athletes, coaches, and administrative staff whom I've learned and grown so much from.
"Think Big, Play Bigger"

I'm truly grateful for Fa! His support and guidance has helped me navigate the journey of life with purpose and intention. His authentic dedication to assisting others is inspiring and I can't thank him enough.
Kenny Stills

April 17th, 2018 My sister Aaliyah Qaadir and I were having one of our usual laughter-filled conversations. After spending our initial moments catching up, the focus of our conversation shifted towards personal acceptance & happiness. She expressed a strong desire to be happy and content with her life. Although she had plenty to be grateful for, she felt at times a deep layer of self-doubt & judgment. I told her she wasn’t alone in her feelings and that many people, myself included, struggle with self-love & acceptance. No matter how things appear to be on the outside, we’re all lost, afraid & confused at times. More importantly, I told her how proud I was of her...how all beautiful stories are first written in the mind & heart of its author.
I suggested to her something I often encourage all my clients, family members & friends. // Find a “Anchor”. An object, image or word that represents the consciousness & feelings you desire to manifest in your life. Something that will always bring you back into focus with your life. A constant yet loving reminder.
We laughed thinking about what her anchor would be... I told her my anchor was a white lacrosse ball. We shared & held a beautiful space together. I’m grateful she and I were able to share that conversation prior to her passing.
In her loving memory…I now fill my life with white lacrosse balls.
Breathe Life - RILove baby Sis.